37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
Island-like shape.
Security at Felt
Map data can be some of the most sensitive information your organization has, so you need a mapping provider who takes security seriously. Felt follows rigorous industry best practices to keep you and your data safe.
Key highlights

Private by default

Your data always belong to you, and you control exactly who has access to it.

Hosted on AWS in US soil

Built on the same infrastructure trusted by the world's biggest corporations.

Educational Use Support

Felt has a strong DPA framework and used by schools worldwide.

SOC 2 Type I

Felt has obtained SOC 2 Type 1 compliance and is under observation for Type 2.

Your Data, Safe & Secure
Your data is your business. Felt helps teams visualize and share data seamlessly with one another, while keeping data secure from outsiders. Felt is dedicated to keeping your data safe with top of the line security features, privacy protections and all the capabilities of a fully on-demand, cloud environment.
Secure Infrastructure & Processes
Your data is safe and secure on Felt. All Felt servers are in the U.S., our web traffic is fully encrypted, your credentials are encrypted at-rest and in-transit, and our systems are monitored 24/7 around the world to ensure their uptime. In addition, we require our employees to use multi-factor authentication when accessing our internal systems, which includes our code and customer data. You can rest assured that your information is in good hands with Felt.
Modern Platform, Modern Approach
As a modern, cloud-native mapping platform, we proudly leverage the first-rate security solutions offered by top-tier cloud vendors such as Render, Google Cloud and AWS. By utilizing their enterprise-grade protection, we ensure the safety and security of our users. All our data centers are equipped with 24-hour security and video surveillance, among other features. Plus, all Felt web traffic is safeguarded against DDoS attacks thanks to Cloudflare.
Access and Controls
Rest assured that Felt stores your user credentials with encryption-at-rest, ensuring that your password is never visible to us. In addition, Felt offers Google Single Sign On, providing our users with top-tier password protection.
Infrastructure and Network Security
  • Physical Access Control

    Felt collects limited personal information from users, including name, email address, and password. Felt also complies with applicable data protection laws like CCPA. More information is available in our privacy policy.

  • Render

    Render is a Platform as a Service provider. Felt uses Render’s services in its Oregon, US datacenter.

    Render is independently audited for SOC2 compliant. All sensitive Felt data stored on Render is encrypted at rest.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    AWS is the leading cloud provider used by enterprises and governments worldwide. Felt uses AWS’ services in its US datacenters. By using AWS, Felt inherits all the security and compliance features built by AWS and dependent upon the world’s biggest companies, including most of the world’s leading financial institutions.

  • Logical Access Control

    AWS is the leading cloud provider used by enterprises and governments worldwide. Felt uses AWS’ services in its US datacenters. All Felt employees use designated accounts to access our infrastructure. Employees are not allowed to share access credentials. All access is further protected behind two-factor authentication. All private keys are stored with strong encryption. Access controls are monitored automatically every day and manually quarterly. By using AWS, Felt inherits all the security and compliance features built by AWS and dependent upon the world’s biggest companies, including most of the world’s leading financial institutions.

  • Penetration Testing

    Felt employs annual penetration testing by an independent third-party. The third-party engages with the production instances of Felt service and are under contract.

    Any findings from the penetration testing are investigated by Felt’s security team and prioritized accordingly. Penetration testing schedule is monitored automatically.

  • Third-Party Audits

    Both Render and AWS are rigorously audited by third-parties. Both Render and AWS boast SOC 2 Type 2 compliance as well as ISO 270001 certification.

    Felt undergoes SOC2 compliance audits and have received its SOC2 Type 1 report and is currently under audit period for Type 2 compliance.

  • Intrusion Prevention and Detection

    Felt aims to make unauthorized intrusion as hard as possible. All Felt compute instances both on AWS and Render run in their own virtual private networks. No Felt compute instance allows SSH access and all compute instances on AWS uses a Serverless infrastructure, meaning all instances are ephemeral and automatically killed when their task is complete or they reach their age-limit, currently set to 24 hours.

    Furthermore, Felt uses AWS’s CloudTrail technology to monitor access to its services and Cloudtrail logs are further automatically monitored daily for unauthorized access.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • Provisioning

    Felt is over-provisioned, meaning all non-transient services like compute instances and databases have a lot of extra capacity in case of a demand spike. Our compute platform on Render is automatically spread across different availability zones and our platform on AWS is automatically horizontally scalable via Amazon’s Serverless stack.

  • Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

    All customer data is uploaded to AWS’ S3 service. Felt uses versioned controlled S3 buckets with 99.99% availability. All data that is stored on Render is backed up daily. Felt also runs annual business continuity recovery exercises and their schedule is monitored automatically.

  • Disaster Recovery

    All Felt data is uploaded to AWS’ S3 service and all Felt buckets are versioned controlled with no public access permissions. In the unlikely case of a disaster, Felt is able to recover the original data from S3 buckets.

Data Security and Privacy
  • Data Encryption

    All customer data uploaded to Felt is encrypted at transit and at rest. Customer data uploads from the browser happen over HTTPS via transport layer security (TLS) encrypted connections and the data is stored on versioned AWS S3 buckets that are server-side encrypted. The settings on these buckets are monitored daily automatically.

    Application data that is stored on Render databases are also stored with encryption at rest. Felt never stores your password in cleartext.

    All Felt web traffic happens over HTTPS and certificates are managed automatically via Render and Cloudflare. Felt’s HTTPS settings are monitored automatically.

  • Data Access

    Felt employees might access customer data only for documented reasons and for limited amount of time. All access happens via individual accounts tied to each employee and is logged for potential audits. Felt employees can store data on their systems for technical troubleshooting or customer support only for limited amount of time and only if their systems are end-to-end encrypted. Felt employees’ personal devices used for such access is monitored hourly automatically.

Application Security
  • Google Sign-in

    Felt allows users to sign-in via Google in lieu of a password. Signing in via Google allows users to benefit from Google’s world-class authentication safety features such as multi-factor authentication, passkey authentication and federated logins. Many Felt users integrate their federated login systems with Google, allowing them to have a Single Sign-On provider via Google.

  • Personal Access Tokens

    Felt allows users to create personal access tokens (PAT) to access Felt resources programmatically via application programming interfaces (API)s. PATs are stored with encryption on Felt databases and are exposed in cleartext only during creation. They are never logged. Users can revoke their PATs any time, or create multiple ones for various use-cases.

  • Email Security

    Felt uses a strong domain-based message authentication, reporting, and conformance (DMARC) setup for its email. This makes spoofing (pretending to be Felt) or phishing scams much harder to employ. Felt’s DMARC settings are monitored automatically daily. For all domain name service setups, including DMARC, Felt uses AWS’ Route 53 service, inheriting the security and audit capabilities of AWS services.

Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Continuous Delivery (CD)

    Felt uses a continuous delivery methodology to deliver its software, meaning every single code change is delivered quickly to production. This allows quick resolution of customer issues, including security patches.

  • Continuous Integration (CI)

    Felt uses a continuous integration methodology to develop its software, meaning all code is continuously tested at each step of the progress. These tests include static analysis of our code against vulnerabilities, introduction of unexpected dependencies against supply-chain attacks, as well as unit and integration tests against bugs that might impact users and their security.

  • Version Control

    All Felt code is version controlled. Code changes must be requested via cryptographically verified methods and all code change must be approved by another person before it can be delivered to production via the CI/CD pipeline.

Corporate Security
  • Malware Protection

    All Felt provided computers are registered to our Mobile Device Management (MDM) software. This MDM ensures that the workstations has correctly configured password managers, automatic updates, antivirus software, full disk encryption, and screensaver lock. These settings are checked for every single employee’s workstation every day.

  • Contingency Planning

    Felt runs regular business continuity and disaster recovery tabletop scenarios to plan for unforeseen events. These events include but are not limited to loss of key personnel, degradation of key infrastructure, and operational force majeur events. The remediations for these possible events are discussed annually.

  • Policies

    Felt maintains a wide array of policies regarding security. These policies are reviewed and updated annually where necessary.

    • Acceptable Use Policy
    • Asset Management Policy
    • Backup Policy
    • Business Continuity Plan
    • Code of Conduct
    • Controls Assessment Program
    • Data Classification Policy
    • Data Classification, Handling, and Retention
    • Data Protection Policy
    • Disaster Recovery Plan
    • Encryption Policy
    • Incident Management Policy
    • Incident Response Plan
    • Information Security Policy
    • Password Policy
    • Physical Security Policy
    • Responsible Disclosure Policy
    • Risk Assessment Policy
    • Software Development Lifecycle Policy
    • System Access Control Policy
    • Vendor Management Policy
    • Vulnerability Management Policy
  • Background Checks

    Felt runs a background check for all new hires globally. This check contains information such as:

    • Enhanced Identity Verification
    • US Criminal Record Check
    • National Sex Offender Registry Scan
    • Security Watchlist Scan
    • Fraud Scan
    • OFAC Global Sanctions Scan
    • Criminal Record Scan
    • Federal Record Scan
    • Single State County Record Scan
    • All State County Record Scan
  • Security Training

    All Felt employees are required to go through annual security training, as well as be presented with the policies. Acceptance of these policies and completion of security training is monitored automatically before employees can access any internal systems that include customer data.

  • Disclosure Policy

    Felt aims to notify customers of any data breaches as soon as possible via email and has documented policies. Known incidents are reported on our Twitter feed (twitter.com/felt) where users can see updates.

Vulnerability Disclosure
  • Security researchers are encouraged to reach out to Felt’s security team at security@felt.com via a working proof of concept. Felt does not have a bounty bug program, and encourage researches to responsibly disclose issues.

Compliance Attestations and Certifications
  • Felt has received the following compliances:
    SOC 2 Type I (SOC 2 Type 1)

    Interested parties can reach out to support@felt.com to request a copy of our SOC 2 Type I report.

  • Data Privacy Addendum

    Felt works with many educational institutions with their unique needs such as Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Childen’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) requirements. Felt maintains a robust Data Protection Addendum (DPA). Interested parties can reach out to support@felt.com to request our DPA.

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