Drag and drop any file, any format. No data wrangling required. Behind the scenes, Felt geocodes street addresses, geomatches boundaries, and parses geometry columns. All visualized instantly with a data processing engine that feels like magic.
Connect Postgres, Snowflake, or other cloud sources. Data stays up-to-date and teams always work from your source of truth.
Visualize and chart data across a time series, filter categories on-the-fly, build histograms, highlight statistics, and more. Experience fewer development bottlenecks and instant operational insights. How BI should be for geospatial.
Felt is a cloud-native, fully extendable platform that connects with tools in your geospatial workflow. Using our Python SDK and QGIS plug-in, build feature-rich geospatial apps with your data in no time.
Powerful transformations let you highlight spatial patterns and relationships in your data. Let Felt handle tedious styling with strong cartographic defaults that transform your data into detailed visualizations.
Bring spatial collaboration to life. Share maps with project stakeholders, fine-tune permissions, and embed on a website. Work together from the same canvas and make decisions faster.