37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
Cultivating code for who comes next
If you had asked me what the most inspiring part of engineering was five years ago, I would not have said maintenance.
If you had asked me what the most inspiring part of engineering was five years ago, I would not have said maintenance.

I was taught that disruption was good, and fast was great. Hackathons reinforced this message, encouraging young minds to build software as quickly as possible and churn out code, even if it “just worked.” These events and their corporate crafted “fun,” belie the reality of late-night software work. It would be only a few years before I was up all night, bleary-eyed from coffee, digging through a haystack of code, trying to bring crashing servers back online and realizing my education had left out a key tenant that I would hold dear from there on out: maintenance. 

My value for maintenance attracted me to Felt. Maps play a central role informing decision-making by displaying what is happening now with additional context to help think through what might happen next. At Felt we are enabling multi-disciplinary teams to absorb and contribute lots of information simply, and to get on the same page about where, when, and how, different components will come together. Sustainability and resiliency, two goals achieved by having a maintenance mindset, aren’t just aspirations here–they are innate in the medium we are producing.

Maintenance can mean a lot of different things as an engineer. Reducing technical debt, future proofing code through testing and quality design patterns, and the importance of keeping libraries and tools up to date, certainly, but also something more fundamental. 

According to The Maintainers, “a global research network interested in the concepts of maintenance, infrastructure, repair, and the myriad forms of labor and expertise that sustain our human-built world,” maintenance, at its core, is about keeping society and its processes going. What that means for us as software engineers, is, of course, less downtime. But also that we are building tools that are useful, a pleasure to use, and not liable to fail when we need them the most. 

To value maintenance is to value “the mundane work that keeps society going” over “fanciful ideas—which we call innovation-speak—that are unsupported by evidence about how technology works, about the role new things play in society, and about how humans will benefit.” In other words, maintenance as an engineering philosophy means building things that are useful and dependable. But enough abstractions! Here is what valuing maintenance looks like in practice.

Adoption of DevOps Practices

The widespread adoption of DevOps practices is a promising development for software engineers interested in building more dependable systems. By combining the practices of developing software with maintaining its infrastructure, DevOps helps us better maintain software for two reasons:

  1. DevOps encourages understanding at all levels of the software development and deployment lifecycle. Without some insight into how the pieces of the system work together, planning for maintenance becomes extremely difficult. This doesn’t mean that everyone has to be an expert on all aspects of the system, but seeing how they fit next to each other is key for planning to prevent problems and developing a proactive attitude towards maintenance.
  2. These insights are enabled by simpler interfaces that are easy to understand and connect. In software terms, DevOps has built software with better abstractions and interchangeable interfaces.

DevOps culture isn’t without its risks to maintenance. For example, automated tooling can make it easier to take shortcuts. Companies can be tempted to over-burden engineers with “vertically integrated” knowledge, relying on fewer engineers to do the job because new tools free up their time. This would be an example of a failure to apply the maintenance lens to team processes. But I’ll get to that later, for now let’s take a quick tour through the development to deployment lifecycle and look at things through a maintenance mindset.

Be Consistent with Code

Since developers have been writing software, we’ve been searching for ways to make sure that our code is easier to read, easier to reuse, and less prone to bugs. Writing good tests, linting, stronger design patterns, dividing between monolithic apps versus microservices, these are just a few of the ways in which programmers try to simplify and standardize how we build useful and pleasing applications.  By doing so, we hopefully reduce the likelihood of bugs, surface them faster, and allow them to be fixed more quickly.

With so many solutions to writing maintainable code, perhaps the most important thing to maintain is consistency. If we can’t agree on the patterns we’re using, or teach them properly to each other, it becomes more likely that we generate a mess of code that is harder to maintain. Often code problems are a manifestation of a process problem, a team failing to live up to or set its own standards.

Then there is the code outside of our own, that inevitably forms a large part of the project. When we pick third-party libraries, too often libraries are chosen for their ability to rapidly prototype a set of features. A maintenance mindset demands that we question the inclusion of these libraries and evaluate the risks to maintenance that they might pose. Are they frequently updated? Are we locked-in to certain development patterns that will limit us? Can we easily substitute another library should this one become obsolete? And what about the underlying dependencies of this library, are they maintainable? With modern web architectures depending on a confluence of open source libraries, deciding if and when to use a third party library constitutes one of the most important decisions a team can make.

Stress Testing Tools for Development and Deployment

Too often, when we think about tooling in a professional software context, we prioritize only  productivity, i.e. what will enable our team to get this done the fastest? And indeed, many tools are written to speed up development time, to automate away boring tasks. However, when we think about the right tools for building scalable software, we must balance immediate expediency and keeping things online long term. Luckily a lot of the tooling today was built with maintenance in mind, even if it’s advertised to us as a faster way to get things done. This table provides some common tooling and what each tool brings to maintenance.

Tool type Maintenance view
Version control Provides historical insight into how code developed, allowing us to find where things went wrong, or easily rollback to a historically functional version of a code base
CI/CD Gives us confidence that we are releasing software without breaking changes, speeds up the ability to rollback a deployment
Logging and Metrics Enables automatic alerting when things are not performing as expected; provides details that let us debug more quickly
Containerization and orchestration Consistency between deployments, ability to switch deployment environments, simplified scaling, potential carbon savings
Code-as-infrastructure Interoperability between cloud platforms, explicit declaration of relationships between infrastructure

When we bring in tools to help in the development and deployment processes, it's important to think about what they bring to maintenance and to configure them to be useful in those situations. If we’re only learning how to use our tools in the best case development-deployment scenario, we’re probably not using them as the creators intended.

Balancing Data Collection & Long-Term Sustainability

As we develop and deploy, one thing we are certain to generate and depend on is data. The proliferation of complex ETL pipelines and the quantity of headache-inducing integration work shows us that maintenance of data often leaves a lot to be desired. With the rise of NoSQL databases, cheap cloud storage, and ubiquitousness of formats like JSON, it’s tempting to gather as much data as possible and punt structuring it to later, but that would be a mistake. This is not to say that these tools don’t have a place (quite the contrary!), but they should be chosen for qualities that allow us to sustain and maintain infrastructure, not what’s easiest for rolling out a new feature. Whenever we are generating data it’s important to think about whether or not it should be normalized, how standards will be enforced, and of course what access to it will look like (who needs it? how often? how much of it? how quickly do they need it?).

Similarly, maintenance demands preparation for the worst case scenarios. Automated backups are a given, of course. But things happen, and if a data center floods or catches on fire, what then? If there is a data breach, how will it be handled? The maintenance mind treats contingency planning as an active part of all development processes, not an afterthought.

Maps play a central role informing decision-making by displaying what is happening now with additional context on what might happen next.

Make it a Common, Cross Functional Goal

More than any individual technical aspect, maintenance is a question of design and communication between teams and users. In Design for the Real World, Victor Papanek writes:

Design must be an innovative, highly creative, cross-disciplinary tool responsive to the needs of [people]. It must be more research-oriented, and we must stop defiling the earth itself with poorly-designed objects and structures.

In the previous section I’ve given concrete examples of how software, from development to deployment, can be viewed from the perspective of maintenance. What’s truly fundamental to writing maintainable software, however, isn’t this or that tool, it’s a question of design and communication. If we are serious about engineering tools that people will use and depend on, we have to think about how to build a team that can anticipate and prevent problems, as well as respond flexibly when they arise. And in order to anticipate these problems, we have to understand our users and how they use (or plan to use!) the tools we build.

With respect to the user, a maintenance mindset calls us to understand what they need from what we are building, and what they hope to accomplish with it. This needs to involve active inquiry, for example, observation, interviews, or surveys. These don’t need to be done by a software developer, but if we as developers fail to understand our user, our software is bound to fail.

Similarly we have to understand our teams and how we communicate and work through problems. Understanding that everyone has different skills and making a common goal of maintenance is essential. Some engineers are good at quickly prototyping, others sustainable feature development, others testing and hunting down bugs. And of course our teams are made up of many non-engineers as well! By balancing the strengths of our teams and orienting ourselves towards maintenance, we can cover our individual weaknesses that expose our software to problems. This calls for us to go beyond “hard skills” and acknowledge that the conditions of our labor environment are the preconditions for engineering success. Unless we cultivate an environment of inclusivity, equity, and non-competitiveness, we are unlikely to understand nor willing to reveal our own blindspots and shortcomings with respect to the development process.

We Have a Role To Play

The engineering maintenance mindset demands that we build products in a way that sustains their usefulness over the long-term. It behooves software engineers to remember that engineering is a material process. The containers we run are on computers made of real metal; real carbon is what keeps them going. In a world of limited resources, be it threads, time, money, or lithium, can we build something that provides utility? And can we engineer it to survive the virtual and physical blows that will come its way?

Maintenance demands preparation for the worst case scenarios.
Joe Hermann is a backend engineer passionate about maintenance, sustainability and sesame bagels. Before joining Felt he was making scooters soar at Superpedestrian.
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