These curated data layers are often requested by users to unlock a use cases or end a painful existing workflow. Often we hear from folks who are fed up tabbing between two mapping websites to get their job done and would rather just see it all in one place, or want to spend less time styling the same datasets in order to produce a good looking map. If that's you, send us a data layer request. We sort through these requests and determine what we should curate, and our cartographer designs the look and feel. Then we get busy shipping.
Our team brought ten new data layers into Felt in June:
- Plant Hardiness Zones
- Local Parks Across the Globe
- U.S. Forest Service Camping & Hiking Trails
- July 2022 Drought Monitor
- Hospitals & Clinics
- Basins and Watersheds
- Hydrothermal Features, a.k.a. Hot Springs
- Lakes
- First-order Administrative Divisions
- Second-order Administrative Divisions
Click the images and duplicate the map to get started with a data layer of your choice.
USDA Plant Hardiness Zones

The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map (PHZM) is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. The most recent revision was prepared by the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University, and was released by USDA in 2012. Based on the average annual minimum winter temperature over a 30-year period, the map divides the country into zones representing a spread of 10°F (zones 1-13), each subdivided into two half-zones with 5°F spreads (e.g., zone 1a and 1b).
Local Parks Across the Globe

We brought in every local park mapped in OpenStreetMap. Beyond being handy for getting your dog or babysitter oriented to the best parks in the neighborhood, this layer is useful if you want to emphasize green space or public spaces on the base map.
U.S. Forest Service Camping & Hiking Trails

If you've ever found yourself piecing together several National Forest maps to plan a hiking trip, you're going to love the trails & campsite additions to our U.S. Forest Service layer. Collaborate and plan your National Forest backpacking routes with friends in Felt next time.
July 2022 Drought Monitor

We upload the drought monitor every month so you can keep track of the changing conditions. Unfortunately, drought conditions appear to be expanding as summer stretches on.
Hospitals & Clinics

We have never been more acutely aware of the role hospitals and clinics play in delivering life-saving services to our communities. You can now add every hospital and clinic from OpenStreetMap to your map.
Basins and Watersheds

Watersheds and basins are important ecological systems. This layer, derived from HydroBASINS, represents a series of vectorized polygon layers that depict sub-basin boundaries at a global scale. This layer provides a seamless view of global coverage of consistently sized and hierarchically nested sub-basins at different scales. Read more about it in the layer details.
Hydrothermal Features, a.k.a Hot Springs

Nothing takes a camping trip from good to great like hydrothermal features. Now you can more easily identify these features along your treks. We've added all the hydrothermal features (hot springs, geysers, and fumaroles) mapped in OpenStreetMap.

This layer contains the shoreline polygons of all global lakes with a surface area of at least 10 ha. It encompasses 1.4 million individual lakes or reservoirs representing a total surface area of 2.67 million km², a total shoreline length of 7.2 million km, and a total storage volume of 181,900 km³. For those looking for more precision than what you're seeing on the basemap–this is for you.
First & Second-Order Administrative Divisions

Administrative boundaries aren't uniform across the globe, but you can find most of the boundaries you need in Felt. Read about OpenStreetMaps classifcation system for boundaries here, or just jump in and start using them.