37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
37° 48' 15.7068'' N, 122° 16' 15.9996'' W
cloud-native gis has arrived
Choosing and Setting Up a Cloud PostGIS Solution for Felt: Navigating the Modern GIS Stack
In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of choosing and setting up a cloud PostGIS database for use with Felt.
In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of choosing and setting up a cloud PostGIS database for use with Felt.

In the world of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the ability to efficiently store, process, and analyze spatial data is crucial. PostGIS, a powerful extension for PostgreSQL, has long been a cornerstone of the GIS stack. When paired with Felt, a cutting-edge cloud-native GIS platform, you have a robust foundation for your geospatial projects. But how do you get started without the headache of managing your own database server?

Enter cloud PostGIS solutions. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of choosing and setting up a cloud PostGIS database for use with Felt. We'll cover:

  1. Why Use PostGIS for Your Geospatial Data?
  2. Why choose a cloud PostGIS solution?
  3. Key considerations when selecting a provider
  4. Popular cloud PostGIS options
  5. Setting up your chosen solution for use with Felt
  6. Best practices for using cloud PostGIS with Felt

Let's dive in!

Why Use PostGIS for Your Geospatial Data?

PostGIS extends PostgreSQL to handle spatial data, offering significant advantages over file-based systems such as storing data as loose GeoJSONs in your filesystem. Let’s go over some of the advantages:

  1. Scalability and Performance: PostGIS efficiently manages large datasets with spatial indexing, enabling fast queries even as your data grows. With a file based system, your system’s performance might slow down with each addition.
  2. Advanced Spatial Analysis: Leverage PostGIS's extensive suite of spatial functions and SQL capabilities for complex geospatial operations. PostGIS has been built from the ground up to understand and operate on geospatial data; with a file-based system, you’ll have to write your own code.
  3. Multi-user Collaboration: PostGIS supports concurrent access, allowing team members to work simultaneously on the same dataset.
  4. Data Integrity and Security: Benefit from PostgreSQL's robust data validation, access controls, and transaction management. Storing your data in a database will make sure all your data is structured similarly, significantly lowering your costs down the line.
  5. Cloud-Ready Architecture: PostGIS is designed for cloud environments, facilitating scalable, distributed GIS operations crucial for platforms like Felt.

By adopting PostGIS, you're not just changing data storage – you're upgrading your entire GIS infrastructure to be more robust, scalable, and ready for modern, cloud-based workflows.

Why Choose a Cloud PostGIS Solution?

Opting for a cloud PostGIS solution offers several advantages over self-hosting:

  1. Simplified setup and maintenance: No need to worry about server configuration, software installation, or database administration tasks.
  2. Automatic updates and security patches: Providers ensure your database is always running the latest, most secure version.
  3. Scalability and performance optimization: Easily scale your resources as your needs grow, with optimizations handled by experts.
  4. Built-in backups and disaster recovery: Regular backups and point-in-time recovery options protect your valuable data.
  5. Cost-effectiveness: Often more economical, especially when considering the total cost of ownership including maintenance and operations.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Cloud PostGIS Solution

When evaluating cloud PostGIS options, keep these factors in mind:

  1. Performance and scalability: Consider database size limits, query performance, and the ability to handle concurrent connections.
  2. Geospatial features support: Check the PostGIS version and supported functions, as well as spatial indexing capabilities.
  3. Security and compliance: Look for data encryption at rest and in transit, as well as relevant compliance certifications (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).
  4. Integration capabilities: Ensure easy connection with Felt and compatibility with other tools in your stack.
  5. Pricing model: Compare pay-per-use vs. fixed pricing, and check for additional costs like backups or data transfer.
  6. Management features: Evaluate monitoring and analytics tools, and the ease of performing common database operations.

Popular Cloud PostGIS Solutions

Let's explore some of the leading cloud PostGIS options.

1. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL


  • Fully managed PostgreSQL service with automatic software patching and backups
  • Supports PostGIS, pgRouting, and other popular extensions
  • Scalable compute and storage resources

PostGIS Setup

  1. Create a PostgreSQL DB instance in RDS
  2. Connect to the instance and run: <p-inline>CREATE EXTENSION postgis;<p-inline>

Pros for Felt Users

  • Scalable and reliable infrastructure
  • Easy integration with other AWS services
  • Supports latest versions of PostgreSQL and PostGIS

Cons for Felt Users

  • Requires some AWS knowledge for optimal setup
  • Pricing can be complex

Best For

Organizations already invested in the AWS ecosystem or those requiring seamless integration with other AWS services. 

2. Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL


  • Fully managed PostgreSQL service with automatic updates and backups
  • Supports PostGIS and other extensions
  • Easy integration with Google Cloud Platform services

PostGIS Setup

  1. Create a PostgreSQL instance in Cloud SQL
  2. Connect to the instance and run: <p-inline>CREATE EXTENSION postgis;<p-inline>

Pros for Felt Users

  • Strong performance and reliability
  • Simple pricing model
  • Easy integration with Google Cloud services

Cons for Felt Users

  • Limited control over some database parameters
  • May require familiarity with Google Cloud Platform

Best For

Teams already using Google Cloud Platform or those looking for a balance between simplicity and robust cloud integration.

3. Azure Database for PostgreSQL


  • Fully managed PostgreSQL service with automatic patching and monitoring
  • Supports PostGIS and other extensions
  • Offers both single server and hyperscale (Citus) deployment options

PostGIS Setup

  1. Create a PostgreSQL server in Azure
  2. Connect to the server and run: <p-inline>CREATE EXTENSION postgis;<p-inline>

Pros for Felt Users

  • Strong security features and compliance certifications
  • Good integration with Azure ecosystem
  • Flexible deployment options

Cons for Felt Users

  • Pricing can be higher compared to some other options
  • Azure-specific knowledge may be required for optimal use

Best For

Enterprises with existing Azure infrastructure or those requiring advanced compliance and security features.

4. Crunchy Bridge


  • Specialized PostgreSQL service by Crunchy Data
  • Supports latest PostgreSQL versions and extensions
  • Available on multiple cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP)

PostGIS Setup

  1. Create a new cluster in Crunchy Bridge
  2. PostGIS is available by default; just run CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

Pros for Felt Users

  • Specialized in PostgreSQL, offering expert support
  • Advanced PostgreSQL features and latest versions
  • Multi-cloud deployment options

Cons for Felt Users

  • May be overkill for simple use cases
  • Pricing can be higher than some other options

Best For

Organizations with advanced PostgreSQL needs, requiring expert support, or those looking for a cloud-agnostic solution with high-end features.

Summary Table

Feature Amazon RDS Google Cloud SQL Azure Database Crunchy Bridge
Automatic Backups Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scaling Options Vertical & Horizontal Vertical Vertical & Horizontal Vertical & Horizontal
PostGIS Support Vertical Yes Yes Yes
Cloud Platform AWS Google Cloud Azure Multi-cloud
Pricing Model Pay-per-use Pay-per-use Pay-per-use Pay-per-use
Ease of Setup Moderate Easy Moderate Easy
Advanced PG Features Good Basic Good Excellent
Best For AWS users GPC users Azure users Advanced needs

When choosing a solution, consider your specific needs in terms of scaling, performance, ease of use, and integration with existing systems. Each of these options can work well with Felt, so the best choice will depend on your particular use case, technical requirements, and team expertise.

Setting Up Your Chosen PostGIS Solution for Felt

Once you've selected a cloud PostGIS solution, follow these steps to set it up for optimal use with Felt. We'll pay special attention to security and monitoring considerations that are particularly important when integrating with external services like Felt.

  1. Create your database: Follow the provider-specific instructions to create your PostgreSQL database.
  2. Enable PostGIS: Connect to your database and run:
  1. Create a Felt-specific user: Creating a dedicated user for Felt is crucial for security and monitoring. Here's why:
    • Enhanced Security: A dedicated user with limited permissions reduces the risk of unauthorized data access or modifications.
    • Easier Monitoring: You can track all database activities specific to Felt, making it easier to optimize performance and troubleshoot issues.
    • Simplified Auditing: In case of any data discrepancies, you can quickly audit actions performed by the Felt user.

      Create the user with read-only permissions.

      Note: We are not adding write permissions just yet; Felt does not write data to your cloud. However, always start with the principle of least privilege and only add permissions as necessary.
  1. Set up your data: Create tables with geometry or geography columns as needed. For example:
  1. Connect Felt to your database: In Felt, navigate to the data source configuration and enter your PostGIS connection details:
    • Host: Your database server address
    • Port: Typically 5432 for PostgreSQL
    • Database: Your database name
    • Username: felt_user
    • Password: your_secure_password
  1. Implement additional security measures: While creating a dedicated user is a good start, consider these additional security measures:
    • SL Connections: Ensure that all connections between Felt and your database are encrypted using SSL.
    • Regular Password Rotation: Implement a policy to regularly update the felt_user password. Remember to update the connection details in Felt when you do this.
    • IP Allowlisting: Restrict database access to only Felt's IP addresses. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access attempts. Felt can provide you with their IP ranges for this purpose.

      Example for PostgreSQL (in pg_hba.conf):

Remember to consult your hosting provider's documentation for specific instructions on implementing these security measures, as the exact steps may vary between providers.

Best Practices for Using Cloud PostGIS with Felt

To get the most out of your cloud PostGIS and Felt setup:

  1. Regularly monitor performance: Use your provider's monitoring tools to keep an eye on database performance and resource usage.
  2. Optimize your queries: Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE to understand and improve your query performance, especially for complex spatial operations.
  3. Keep your PostGIS version up-to-date: Stay current with the latest PostGIS version supported by your provider to access new features and optimizations.
  4. Manage costs effectively: Monitor your usage and adjust your plan or resources as needed to optimize costs.
  5. Use appropriate indexes: Create spatial indexes on your geometry columns to speed up spatial queries:


Choosing a cloud PostGIS solution for use with Felt can significantly simplify your GIS workflow, allowing you to focus on analysis and visualization rather than database management. By considering factors like performance, scalability, and integration capabilities, you can select the right solution for your needs.

Remember, the best choice will depend on your specific use case, existing technology stack, and scalability requirements. Whichever solution you choose, the combination of PostGIS and Felt provides a powerful foundation for your geospatial projects in the modern GIS stack.

Additional Resources

PostGIS Documentation

Felt Documentation

PostgreSQL Documentation

Third-Party Managed Databases

AWS Guide for RDS

Google Cloud for SQL

Microsoft Azure SQL Database

Crunchy Bridge Fully Managed Postgres

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